

Goodwill messages from friends & associates


I want to start by appreciating God for the lives of this humble couple on the event of their 25th wedding anniversary. Dr Paul
Odumu and his Wife are well known to me. I have known them for over ten years. Dr Odumu was actually my trainer in the later
part of my residency training programme. He left ECWA Evangel hospital and picked up an appointment to work with the 44
Nigerian Army Reference Hospital, Kaduna (44NARHK) under the Ministry of DefenceThat was the period when 44NARHK was
in dire need of a resident consultant family physician to continue the residency training programme in the hospital.
Dr Odumu took up the responsibility in all honesty and responsibility as the HOD family medicine department in 44NARHK. That
he did without minding the obstacles and challenges. His dear wife and children were always there to support him. The couple
exhibited the epitome of an ideal family physician. They perfectly balanced work, family life and community/humanitarian
service. Dr Odumu significantly contributed to the successes recorded by family medicine resident doctors being trained at
44NARHK. A number of communities in Nigeria have also benefited from the free medical outreaches organized by Odumehaje
Christian Medical Mission Inc. (OCMM). This NGO is headed by Dr Paul Odumu.
Once again I wish to congratulate and give hearty cheers to Dr Paul and Mrs Martha Odumu on this special celebration of their
wedding’s silver jubilee. God will continue to keep and nurture your marriage. It shall continue to wax stronger. You will
celebrate golden jubilee and more by God’s Grace, Amen.
Acting Director
Military Hospital Port Harcourt

Brother Philip Terwuna

Happy 25th Wedding Anniversary.
Dr. & Mrs Paul Odumu live simple, humble and practical lives of disciples of Christ.
Easily accessible by all, they are ever willing to attend to one’s needs as much as it lies in their power.
They are open handed. Anytime someone comes around them, they are looking for what to use to bless them with. I am a
beneficiary of their kind gesture.
Mrs Martha Odumu, soft spoken, has a way of encouraging people in times of trouble. She is quiet and a profound teacher of
the word of God with great insight. She is a loving wife and an organizer.
Dr. Paul is a Missionary, an Evangelist and a practicing medical doctor who uses everything he has for God. Once you get close
to him you would be challenged and pointed to Jesus by any means. He is a caring husband.
Their marriage is an inspiration and a challenge to many of us. One can hardly tell that they have spent 25 years in marriage.
They are fond of each other, always wearing “anko” and snapping pictures together as if they just got married. They are two
love ❤️ “birds”.
They have a neat home, cultured and disciplined children who are following them in ministry.
Dr. & Mrs Odumu are such a wonderful couple gift to the body of Christ and humanity at large. They are neither denominational
nor tribalistic.
Their NGO (OCMM /HTI), has been a tremendous blessing to the less privileged in different communities within and outside
Their medical missions, with the message of hope, have brought life to many destitutes in different places over the years.
Space will fail me to continue to write about this two generals but I pray that as they celebrate their Silver wedding
anniversary, the LORD will cause their heart desires concerning their lives, family and ministry to be fulfilled without struggles
in Jesus name.
Happy wedding anniversary at 25.
Brother Philip Terwuna
Head of Mission Minister
HTI / OCMM, North West Zone, Nigeria.
Works at Sardauna Memorial College, Kaduna.


Dr.( Pastor), Paul Odumu:
A true physician per excellence
A Researcher
A trainer
An instructor
A burden bearer
A reliable and trustworthy laborer
A humanitarian passionate and sacrificial giver of resources, time and energy. The list and characteristics of Dr. Paul Odumu is
inexhaustible. No man can appreciate and honor such a man enough. May God Almighty reward him where man has failed.
No wonder God gave him a wife suitable for him. I congratulate you both on your 25th wedding anniversary, as your years in
marriage, so shall your strength be in Jesus Mighty Name.

Dr. Mathew Ocholi, DSocSci

A Tribute to Dr. Paul and Sr. Ngufan Odumu on your 25 Anniversary
When I wanted to write this tribute for Dr Paul and Sister Ngufan Odumu, the scripture that came to mind is this, Proverbs
22:29 (KJV), “Seest thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings; He shall not stand before mean men.” In
my opinion this statement sums up my brother Dr. Paul Odumu and his diligent and faithful wife, sister Ngufan Odumu.
I have known Dr Odumu far before he got married more than twenty (25) years ago. A young Doctor out of university and
burning with the fire of the Holy Ghost. I saw a determined young man with a vision and sense of purpose.
I believe the Lord who already knew him led him to find his beloved bone of his bones in Sister Ngufan. Only God in His infinite
mercies can make such a match. I remember so many years ago when sister Ngufan got to know I worked with WaterAid
Nigeria in the Development sector she would request me to make inputs in some things she was working on. After I left Nigeria
for Canada in 2007, little did I know our paths will cross again.
I was not surprised when we reconnected a few years ago to hear and see the strides they have made in the work they are
involved in. It is very clear in my mind that this marriage is made in heaven. God has continued to bless them and the works of
their hands. They are poised to do the unimaginable. They are leaders indeed bringing so many together to pursue this
laudable vision of reaching out to the poor and vulnerable, bringing smiles, joy and hope to the hopeless.
Congratulations my dear brother and sister on your 25th wedding anniversary. It is the Lord’s doing and it is marvelous indeed.
May the Lord God almighty who brought you together in this union and committed this great work into your hands, continue to
bless your marriage and continue to strengthen you and your family in Jesus’ name.
My wife Ada Ocholi and I wish you many more years of being together.

Dr. Mathew Ocholi, DSocSci
Senior Emergency Project Lead,
Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy
Government of British Columbia, Canada.
Executive Director of HTI


Dear Dr. Paul & Ngufan Odumu, Happy 25 Anniversary
It has always been both humbling and intriguing moments whenever thoughts of you crosses my mind. I am so fascinated by
your passionate and sincere devotion to God Almighty. Your union is more than the famed ”Doctor and Nurse” phrase. I am
glad to have observed your consistent devotion through the years for His Word and seen it demonstrated through your medical
and humanitarian services offered to the less privileged. May God Almighty, whose you both are, strengthen and increase you
both more and more in Jesus Name.
(Martha’s schoolmate and friend at NKST Bristow secondary school, Gboko)

Simon Peter

To a lovely family with a focus on God’s purpose and heart cry for mankind. A great family committed to national and
international missions. May God continue to bless and increase you.
Air Commander Simon Peter
Nigerian Air Force

Boniface Igbe

I met Dr. Odumu while I was doing a compulsory spiritual work for God in Lessel towards the middle of the 1990s. At that time,
Dr. Paul was doing his housemanship at the NKST Hospital Mkar, Benue State. My first impression of him was someone who
was on fire for God. That disposition endeared him to me greatly. Being totally consumed by the zeal for God’s house myself, I
readily found a kindred spirit in him.
His unique way of interspersing his messages with some words he had known in Tiv language used to excite his Tiv audience
to no end. In one of my visits to him at Mkar, he introduced to me members of a fellowship he had started there. They were
mostly student nurses and among them was Sister Ngufan who was to later become his wife.
Ever since I came to know Dr. Paul, his zeal for the kingdom of God has not waned. His medical missions are well organized and
very effective. Last year in December 2021, we organized an evangelistic outreach to Daudu, a town near Makurdi and he
donated loads of drugs to take care of the medical treatment aspect of the outreach.
Although younger, I have observed and learned some things from him in the way he handles his marriage. Although I don’t
have much to say about his wife, I know that she is the backbone supporting all that God has called him to do.
My prayer for them is that the Lord will preserve them and increase their capacity to finish all that God has called them to do
and end up with St. Paul’s testimony: “I have fought a good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful”

Boniface Igbe
Chief Lecturer / Former Director,
Centre For Entrepreneurship Development,
Benue State Polytechnic, Ugbokolo,
Benue State, Nigeria

Engr. Pastor Benjamin & Patricia Kwembe.

The path of the righteous is established by the Lord.
This was Dr. Paul Odumu’s experience. He was led to do his internship at Mkar Christian Hospital where he eventually met his
heartthrob (Ngufan). Paul and Ngufan are better introduced by their dogged faith in Christ. They are believers of Christ more
than believers of negative medical reports and records. Today their names are written in God’s annal of the faithful.
Since Paul and Ngufan knotted the nuptial tie, their union has featured unique characteristics that left no one in doubt that
God is the only one that brought them together. They are known for seamless love, unparalleled achievement and progress in
family life and ministry.
As medical professionals, they answered the call to reach out to the people who are hurting in the rural communities. They
began as Odumehaje Christian Medical Mission( OCMM), which has spanned over twenty years, and numerous persons are
helped medically and many came to the saving knowledge of Christ Jesus. This humble beginning has led them to take the
gospel through the medical missions nationally and globally

We felicitate with you on this special 25th Marriage Anniversary.
Engr. Pastor Benjamin & Patricia Kwembe.
State Overseer,
Charismatic Renewal Ministries ,
Nasarawa State,

Mrs. Catherine Malobi.

Knowing Dr. Paul & Martha for many years has been a thing of joy and happiness. They are very generous people. When you talk
about missions there’s nothing stopping them. They have given their heart to populate the kingdom of God against all odds.
Even if souls are found on another planet they’ll do anything to get them saved. What a wonderful couple.
Congratulations Brother Paul & Sister Martha. May your marriage wine of the next 25 years and beyond be sweeter and tastier.
May the Lord crown your labour of love with more sons and daughters in His vineyard. You have denied yourselves of the
pleasures of this life. May The Lord reward you with things money can buy and things money cannot buy on this earth and in
the eternal.
Enjoy your silver jubilee in the Lord.

Mrs. Catherine Malobi.
Secretary of Board of Directors,
Helping Team international Inc

Dr. Boniface Ochayi

Dr Odumu and I went to the same medical school, worked in the same hospital as interns and the same mission hospital as
medical officers. I have known his wife, Ngufan, during my intern years before they got married.
Their passion for medical missions have only grown stronger over the years. This is reflected in their dedication, sacrifice and
courage. Such undertakings can only be possible by the grace of God, the unwavering support of my sister Ngufan and their
commitment to God and each other.
Beloved Ngufan and Paul, it can only get better and continue to be strong and courageous as you advance in this journey with
the Lord to occupy, until Our Lord returns.

Beloved Ngufan and Paul, it can only get better and continue to be strong and courageous as you advance in this journey with
the Lord to occupy, until Our Lord returns.
Dr. Boniface Ochayi,
Chief Consultant Family Physician,

Emakoji Ayikoye

Dr. Paul and Ngufan (NguPaul),
It is a deep and reverent honor to call Ngufan and Paul my friends of nearly three decades. It’s even a greater privilege to
congratulate NguPaul on their 25th wedding anniversary this year. I have known few passionate and committed lovers than
NguPaul. Their love for each other is heavenly.
Each year, it’s gotten rather very difficult to find the right sets of adjectives to describe Paul and Ngufan. For the lack of better
adjectives, I’d describe them first and foremost, as genuine believers in God. Their consummate devotion to God is
unparalleled. They are among the most consistent Christians I know. Their love for God and righteousness is uncontested.

Their sacrificial love, kindness and goodness towards their fellow human beings is rare. Their empathy, compassion and
passion for the sick can only be described as extraordinary, unparalleled and divinely immaculate.
For nearly two decades, if not more, their compassion for the sick has seen them use their personal resources and time to
organize free medical missions to the remote rural villages in Nigeria and beyond to bring healing to the sick even as they share
the amazing and impeccable love of God with the sick. I am deeply honored to call Ngufan and Paul my friends. Frankly, only a
few of their kind exist today on planet earth.
Emakoji Ayikoye
New York, USA

Terdoo Gill, RN

Happy Anniversary
My sister, Martha Ngufan, growing up, accepted Jesus Christ as her Saviour, you have kept the faith to this day, compassionate
and humble in every sense of the word, taking no pride or glory for yourself, you have been a shining light to all men, a true
measure of a virtues woman whose fear of the Lord has continually been your strength.
On this occasion of your 25TH marriage anniversary, I pray to the Good Lord to make his face shine upon you and give you
peace, may He grant you a long healthy life to see your Children’s children, and may you continue in the Faith till Jesus returns…

through your generous outreaches will be remembered till the end of time.. Most of all you have been a faithful and loving
husband to Martha. On this occasion of your marriage anniversary, I pray to the Lord to continue to be your strength and may
your union continue to enjoy fresh new wine that comes from the Lord…
Terdoo Gill, RN
Benue State
Martha’s secondary school classmate (At Bristow)

Mrs. Ruth Zoakah

It is indeed a great pleasure to congratulate this amiable couple Dr. Paul and Ngufan Odumu who have attained 25 years of being together in the marriage institution.
For the period of time I have known them, their union is a thing to emulate to both the singles and married, their friendship is bonded with love, patience and respect for each other. Another thing to emulate is the way and manner they attend church services and occasions
together, which shows they are in agreement.
I in person came to meet and know Mrs Ngufan Odumu at the APIN unit of the Jos University Teaching Hospital where we worked together for several years before she relocated to Kaduna with her husband.
Mrs Ngufan Odumu is such a nice lady with a calm and gentle spirit, a lovely soul, down to earth. The qualities I have spotted in her must have been the glue that binds her with her husband to this moment.
Their love for Kingdom assignment cannot be overemphasized, they have served in the Lord‘s vineyard and are still putting in their best in kingdom business, fulfilling the reason they were created and called for.
The love and care for their children is second to none.
Finally I pray for open Heaven upon them. I pray for more love, patience, submission, humility and respect for each other as they journey through this marriage institution till they attain the God desired goal and purpose of being together.
HURRAY!!! CONGRATULATIONS once again on your silver jubilee anniversary.

Mrs. Ruth Zoakah
Jos University Teaching Hospital,
Plateau State,

Pharmacist Obindo


I met a fire brand personality some time ago. A man bubbling with life and light.  I was at my lowest but God pointed him out to me and said specifically to just have a discussion with him. I did and I was fire-taken, my gloom disappeared and I became a better version of myself. My darkened/blurry vision became sharpened.

The vision I shared with him became golden particularly after he discussed it with his wife.

One thing I have found that is peculiar with Dr. Paul & Mrs Martha Odumu is the fact that they lighten everyone that comes in contact with them, they bring to life every dying purpose presented to them, they rejuvenate every debilitating dream.

One thing that constantly runs through Dr. Paul’s discussion every time any situation is presented to him is: “When I prayed with my wife about it, the Lord said expressly that…”

I have been married to my wife Bukkie Obindo for 16 years and I can confidently say that we are still learning how to BE  A BLAZING FIRE COUPLE like DR. PAUL & MRS MARTHA ODUMU.

Thank you sir for being an inspiration.

Happy 25th Anniversary to a lovely couple!

Pharmacist Obindo





Joseph nalegwu

Happy 25 Years Wedding Anniversary, my Mummy and Daddy in the Lord!!!

On this Special Day of yours, I want to wish you both a Happy 25 Years Wedding Anniversary. May God, who by His mercies have sustained and upheld you both all these years continue to bless and honour your union. 

Thank you Mummy and Daddy for being a mother and father to me, role models, worthy examples and mentors!

You represent so much in my life that words can’t phantom!

Your time, your prayers, your patience and counsel are priceless. THANK YOU

After the Holy Spirit, I strongly believe without any reservation, that both of You will remain the best and most cherished gifts and blessings God has given me!

I love you Mummy and Daddy now and always.

Your Son,

Joseph nalegwu



Pst Helen Akor & Family

To a beautiful couple ( DR & MRS PAUL ODUMU) on your 25th wedding anniversary.

You are an Icon of a godly couple.

Your love for God and sacrifice for the kingdom are simply amazing.

The serenity in your home and the sincerity with which you love others is heartwarming.

Your love and respect for each other is worth emulating.

The beautiful, godly and very respectful children you have raised are capable of representing God anywhere.

Just to let you know that you are one family the Akors cherish so much. You have touched us in ways that we cannot forget till eternity.

On this special occasion, I pray that the Lord renew the very special kind of love you both share. I pray that God gives you reasons for unending testimonies and laughter. As Jesus tarries, May God  increase you both in age, strength and health so you can enjoy the flood of harvest of all the seeds you have sown in the lives of men, in the church of God and in humanity at large. May the earth yield its increase to you and may heaven answer you in an unusual way as you celebrate and thereafter.

Happy Anniversary.

Pst Helen Akor & Family.


Raymond Akor Memorial Foundation Inc,

Kaduna, Nigeria.

Pst John Ogboji


Dr. Paul and his beloved wife Ngufan constitute a portrait and a model of a Christian couple. I have been an acquaintance to this peace-loving home over 24 years.

The couple’s life is a confirmation and manifestation of the scripture that says, when a man is joined to a woman in marriage, they are no longer two but one.

The couple being of the same medical profession, selflessly makes use of the profession to love, care for lives and win souls to the kingdom.

Rural medical outreaches they conduct yearly in various villages corroborates my claim.

Congratulations, my family and I wish you and your wife more years of fruitful labour in His vineyard.

John Ogboji is the state overseer of Charismatic Renewal Ministries Benue 2. He teaches French and English languages in Benue State Polytechnic, Ugbokolo. He is a principal lecturer and immediate past Dean, Students Affairs of the Polytechnic. He is married to Meg with 4 children.

Barr. John & Dr.(Mrs) Crystal Anejo

Most Dear Dr. Paul & Mrs. Martha Odumu:

I bring you greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ without whom we can do nothing.

It’s with great pleasure and appreciation unto the Lord that I send you this anniversary greetings.

Your marriage has been a huge blessing to many, particularly in the Body of Christ, where you have raised disciples unto the Lord, consistently for the last 25 years, across Nigeria.

Apart from your various Gospel crusades and discipleship training programmes, you have indeed impacted lives very remarkably through the Odumehaje Christian Medical Mission, for the last 20 years.

It is noteworthy that there is no individual or couple from Odum-Ehaje Community that have made the kind of impacts you have made through discipleship training and medical mission programmes.

You have put your lives at risk on the highway, severally to save the lives of others. One of such occasions was when you recently had a ghastly accident on your way to a medical mission programme in Benue State; you abandoned your damaged car and still proceeded to the programme. It was the height of passion for the Lord.

As you mark the Silver Jubilee of your marital union, we can only thank the Lord who has called you to work in his vineyard and further brought you together as a couple.

On behalf of myself, Dr. Crystal and my children,  we sincerely wish you a rewarding anniversary celebration and more fruitful years ahead, in good health.


Congratulations Sir/Ma.


Barr. John & Dr.(Mrs)  Crystal Anejo.

Senior Special Assistant,

To Senator zone C ,

BENUE State. Nigeria.

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