

I’m so grateful to share in your joy as you celebrate your 26th wedding anniversary because truly only Divine love can last this long without diminishing. Both of you have served as amazing role models of what a good marriage and a godly home should look like, not free of challenges or differing opinions, but having the patience to work through them with love. Dad’s love for mum is unmatched by anything I’ve ever experienced so much that we often joke about how mum will die of “overlove”. He follows the scripture that says “Husbands, love your wives” to the letter which in turn makes mum love him back.

Mum on the other hand respects dad as she submits her will for his almost all the time which produces harmony in the home. All my life I’ve only seen their bond grow stronger and I know it will continue to be so till the end of time. I love you both, my wonderful parents.

Happy anniversary once again!!!

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