Happy 25th Anniversary, Mum and Dad!!!
When asked to write a letter regarding your parents, many things come to mind and you find yourself at a loss for where to start. At a loss for words to describe how wonderful their marriage is, or how ironic the idea of you raising your children in a similar way they raised you even though you hated it the whole time growing up. They were the perfect combination of love and discipline in my life.
They never had it easy when I was little, especially my dad but they always had faith in God, in turn, positively affecting my own faith. Through all the villages they went, preaching the word of God and running free medical outreaches, they did it with joy and now, that labor of love in the lives of people is paying off massively because God never takes a man through a rough journey if he/she doesn’t have a glorious end.

Back to me, one notable day I will always remember was when I was 8. I was about to ride my bike out one day, and my dad told me to be careful out there and I replied with the usual “yes sir” and went out. About an hour later I was back with a bruised knee because I decided to try a stunt that day. My dad took me to his room and gave me first aid like nothing happened. Of course he scolded me seriously only when I got better. So many more examples (some more severe) of how he (both of them actually) combined both discipline and love in the most beautiful way.
After God, I owe a ton of what I am today to them. All the lessons they taught me growing up are engraved on my heart and will be there forever. One important lesson I got from them is compassion for the less privileged. Growing up I never used to understand why without funding from any organization, they would set aside some money and other resources and go to the village just to “treat people for free”, sometimes even at the expense of the house.
Now I understand and I couldn’t be more proud to know that they were ever so willing to spend for a mission God gave them even when it was inconvenient. I love them so much and because of them, I am willing and already contributing my bit to this mission.
My mum and dad have always been pillars of love and support in my life and I know how cliché this sounds but if I had a chance to do it over again, they’d still be my parents.
Happy 25th anniversary, Mum and Dad!!!
With love,
Your son,
Samuel Oche Odumu